1- Hastening to deal with people’s mistakes and not putting it off.
2 – Dealing with mistakes by explaining the ruling (hukm).
3 – Referring people back to Islam when they make mistakes, and pointing out to them the principle that they are breaking.
4 – Correcting misconceptions that are due to something not being clear in people’s minds.
Mistakes generally come about as a result of misconceptions; if the ideas are put right, mistakes will decrease.
5 – Dealing with mistakes by repeatedly reminding people to fear Allaah.
6 – Showing compassion to the one who is making a mistake.
7- Not hastening to tell someone he is wrong.
A person who is seeking knowledge should not be too hasty to condemn any opinion that differs from that with which he is familiar.
8 – Remaining calm when dealing with people’s mistakes – especially when being too harsh could make matters worse and do more harm than good.
a. We should be gentle when dealing with one who is ignorant and teach him what he needs to know without rebuking him.
b. We should, also, hasten to remove anything objectionable when there is nothing to stop us from doing so.
9 – Explaining the seriousness of the mistake.
10 – Explaining the harmful effects of the mistake.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) explained that exaggeration when praising someone is a mistake which can have bad consequences.
11 – Practical teaching of the one who is making a mistake.
12 – Offering a sound alternative.
13 – Guiding people to that which will prevent them from making mistakes.
14 – Not confronting people directly with their mistakes and addressing the issue in general terms may be sufficient. the benefits:
a. It avoids a negative reaction on the part of the person who has made the mistake, and prevents him from being tempted by the Shaytaan to avenge himself or defend himself.
b. It is more acceptable to people and is more effective.
c. It conceals the person’s mistake in front of other people.
d. It increases the status of the educator and makes the advisor more beloved.
15 – Provoking public opinion against the one who has made the mistake.
This method is only to be used in very limited circumstances, when a great deal of thought has been given to the matter, to avoid any negative escalation of the situation.