Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.5

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Noble Lies and Bad Data

Dr. Fauci’s mask deceptions 😷 were among several “noble lies” that, his critics complained, revealed a manipulative and deceptive disposition undesirable in an evenhanded public health official.

He supported COVID jabs for previously infected Americans, defying overwhelming scientific evidence that post-COVID inoculations were both unnecessary and dangerous. Under questioning on September 9, 2021, Dr. Fauci conceded he could cite no scientific justification for this policy.

The blatant and relentless manipulation of data to serve the vaccine agenda became the apogee of a year of stunning regulatory malpractice. High-quality and transparent data, clearly documented, timely rendered, and publicly available are the sine qua non of competent public health management.

The “mistakes” were always in the same direction—inflating the risks of coronavirus and the safety and
efficacy of vaccines in order to stoke public fear of COVID and provoke mass compliance. The excuses for his mistakes range from blaming the public (now blaming the unvaccinated), blaming politics, and explaining his gyrations by saying, “You’ve got to evolve with the science.”

At the outset of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci used wildly inaccurate modeling that overestimated US deaths by 525 percent.

Scammer and pandemic fabricator Neal Ferguson of Imperial College London was their author, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) of $148.8 million.23 Dr. Fauci used this model as justification for his lockdowns.

Dr. Fauci acquiesced to CDC’s selective protocol changes for completing death certificates in a way that inflated the claimed deaths from COVID, and thus inflated its infection mortality rate. CDC later admitted
that only 6 percent of COVID deaths occurred in entirely healthy individuals. The remaining 94 percent suffered from an average of 3.8 potentially fatal comorbidities.

Regulators misused PCR tests that CDC belatedly admitted in August 2021 were incapable of distinguishing COVID from other viral illnesses. Dr. Fauci tolerated their use at inappropriately high amplitudes of 37 and up to 45, even though Fauci had told Vince Racaniello that tests employing
cycle thresholds of 35 and above were very unlikely to indicate the presence of live virus that could replicate.25 In July 2020, Fauci remarked that at these levels, a positive result is “just dead nucleotides, period,”26 yet did nothing to modify testing so it might be more accurate.

As America’s COVID czar, Dr. Fauci never complained about CDC’s decision to skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This practice allowed CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were “unrelated to vaccination.”

CDC also refused to conduct follow-up medical inquiries among people claiming vaccine injuries. Inspired by rich incentives to classify every patient as a COVID-19 victim -Medicare paid hospitals $39,000 per ventilator27 when treating COVID-19 and only $13,000 for garden variety respiratory infections – hospitals contributed to the deception.

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China Study: Summary 9.9.21

* A free society cannot exist without a venue and an environment for honest research and discourse.

* Academia has the power to modify science to its liking and discredit scientific information not to their liking.

* Truth is a stubborn thing. It just won’t go away. Tom Riner.

* George Macilwain: grease, fat, and alcohol are the chief causes of cancer.

* Animal protein, even more than saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, raises blood cholesterol levels.

* Published data show that animal protein promotes the growth of tumors.

* Data show that a diet based on animal-based foods increases a woman’s production of reproductive hormones over her lifetime, which may lead to breast cancer.

* Whole-food-plant-based diet is best for preventing, and possibly treating cancer.

* It is now commonly accepted that what you eat can determine your risk of multiple cancers.

* Nutrition is the biological expression of food that promotes health. Malnutrition is its opposite.

* As taxpayers, we pay for subsidies to produce the food that is killing us, then we pay for expensive pills and procedures when we get sick.

* Low-protein diet enhance the burning off of calories, thus leaving fewer calories for body weight gain and perhaps also fewer for tumor growth as well.


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China Study: Summary 2.9

* Our chronic diseases are largely the result of infinitely complex assaults in our body resulting from eating bad food.

* No single chemical intervention will ever equal the power of consuming the healthiest food.

* The National Cancer Institute: what is clear is that most of our current treatments will produce some measure of adversity.

*  the author’s conclusion: When it comes to health, government is not for the people; it is for the food industry and the pharmaceutical industry at the expense of Tue people.

* Why doesn’t the the medical system take nutrition seriously? Four words: money, ego, power, control.

* The health damage that results from doctors’ ignorance of nutrition is astounding.

* Whole-food-plant-based diet has the potential not only to prevent diseases that are plaguing patients, but also the potential to treat them.

*Medical education and drug companies are in bed together, and have been for quite some time. The whole system is paid for by the drug industry, from education to research.

* A scientist speaking out about the possible side effects of antidepressant lost a job opportunity at the University of Toronto.

* Journal of American Medical Association study: one in five new drugs will either get a black box warning, indicating a previously unknown serious adverse reaction that may result in death or serious injury or will be withdrawn from the market within 25 years. 20 percent of all new drugs have serious unknown side effects. More than 100,000 Americans die every year from correctly taking their properly prescribed medication. This is one of the leading cause of death in America.

* something as simple as food could be more powerful than all the knowledge of pills and high-tech procedure.


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China Study: Summary 1.9

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* Food business interests need to claim that their product is good for you, or, at least that it’s not bad for you. In this process, the science of nutrition becomes the business of marketing.

* The dairy industry’s goals: 1. Market to young children and their mothers; 2. Use schools as a channel to young customers; 3. Conduct and publicize research favorable to the industry.

* Casein, the main protein in dairy foods, has been shown to promote cancer and increase blood cholesterol and atherosclerosis plaque.

* Some industries use science to increase demand for its product to make more money.

* Industry loves to tinker. Securing patents based on details lead to marketing claims and, ultimately, to greater revenues.

* We all have heard of oranges as sources of vitamin C. One cup of peppers, strawberries, broccoli, or peas all have more. One papaya has as much as four times more vitamin C than one orange.

* The healthiest section of any store is the place where they sell while fruits and vegetables-the produce section, not the section with supplements and special preparations of seemingly magic ingredients.

* More people die because of the way they eat thAn from tobacco use, accidents, or any other lifestyle or environmental factors.

* Diets high in animal-based protein will create higher blood cholesterol levels and higher risk of atherosclerosis, cancer, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and kidney stones to name a few chronic diseases.


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China Study: Summary 31.08

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* Studies have found varied nutrient supplements to have no effects or even increase disease risk.

* A meta-analysis of 89 studies found that omega 3 fat do not have a clear effect on total mortality, combined cardiovascular events, or cancer.

* In 9380 type 2 diabetes cases, higher consumption of long-chain omega 3 fat supplements was highly significantly associated with increased risk of disease.

* Vitamin C and E supplementation did not reduce the risk of prostate or total cancer and no beneficial effect on the risk of cataracts; multivitamin supplementation barely reduced cataracts and had no effect on macular degeneration.

* Vitamin supplement industry has nothing t do with science and health, but everything to do with marketing.

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China Study: Summary 27.08.2021

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* When scientific evidence first emerged to show that cigarettes were dangerous, hordes of health professionals vigorously defended smoking.

* Cancer incites a far greater fear than heart disease.

* Prevention of cancer with low-cost, low-frofit plant foods is not welcomed by the food and pharmaco-medical industries.

* In the world of nutrition and health scientists are not free to pursue their research wherever it leads.

* Even if you change the level of saturated fat in the meat, all of the other nutrients are still present and may still have harmful effects on the health.

* Carroll’s graph: the closer a population gets to consuming a plant-based diet, the lower the risk of breast cancer.

* Women who tinker with fat, while maintaining a near-carnivorous diet, do not have a lower breast cancer risk.

* The US preventive service task force… concludes that the evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against the use of supplements of A, C, or E; multivitamins with folic acid; or antioxidant combinations for the prevention of cancer or cardiovascular disease.

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China Study: Summary 7.6.21

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*Data clearly shows that a whole-foods, plant based diet can dramatically lower colorectal cancer rates. Increases exercise is conveniently associated with less colorectal cancer.

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China Study: Summary 2.6.21

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* Risk of breast cancer increases when a woman has: early age of menarche; late age of menopause; high levels of female hormone; high blood cholesterol.

*Instead of suggesting dietary change as a solution, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing and publicising a drug that may or may not work and almost certainly will have unintended side effects.

* When a very potent carcinogen is put into the body, the rate at which it causes problems is mostly controlled by nutrition.

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China Study: Summary 28.5.21

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* A true safe cholesterol level is under 150 mg/dL.

* A whole food plant based diet can prevent and treat heart disease saving hundreds of thousands every year.

* The solution to losing weight is a whole foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise.

* give your body the right type of food and it will do the the right thing.

* A plant based diet encourages more physical activity.

* The right diet not only prevents but also treats diabetes.

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China Study: Summary 26.05.21

* American men died from heart disease at a rate almost seven-teen times higher than their Chinese counterparts.

* Animal food us linked to higher blood cholesterol; plant food is linked to lower blood cholesterol.

* The more animal protein you eat, the more heart disease you have.

* 3/4 of the humans on this planet have no heart disease. A fact strongly associated with diet.

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