Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.12

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Dr. Fauci’s challenge—to prove that HCQ is dangerous—was daunting because hydroxychloroquine is a 65-year-old formula that regulators around the globe long ago approved as both safe and effective against a variety of illnesses. HCQ is an analog of the quinine found in the bark of the cinchona tree that George Washington used to protect his troops from malaria. For decades, WHO has listed HCQ as an “essential medicine,” proven effective against a long list of ailments.

Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.9

more than 200 studies supported COVID treatment with hydroxychloroquine, and 60 studies supported ivermectin. “We combined these medicines with doxycycline, azithromycin to suppress infection,” says McCullough. Another meta-analysis supported the use of prednisone and hydrocortisone and other widely available steroids to combat inflammation. Three studies supported the use of inhaled budesonide
against COVID; an Oxford University study published in February 2021 demonstrated that that treatment could reduce hospitalizations by 90 percent in low-risk patients, and a publication in April 2021 showed that recovery was faster for high-risk patients, too.

“We were able to show that doctors can work with four to six drugs in combination, supplemented by vitamins and nutraceuticals including zinc, vitamins D and C, and Quercetin. And they can guide patients at home, even the highest-risk seniors, and avoid a dreaded outcome of hospitalization and death,” said McCullough.

Independent physicians unaffiliated with the government or the universities that are so dependent on Dr. Fauci’s good favor were discovering new COVID treatments by the day. Researchers treated 738
randomly selected Brazilian COVID-19 patients with another adjuvant, fluvoxamine, identified early in the pandemic for its potential to reduce cytokine storms. Another 733 received a placebo between Jan. 20 and Aug. 6 of 2021. The researchers tracked every patient receiving fluvoxamine during the trial for 28 days and found about a 30-percent reduction in events among those receiving fluvoxamine compared to those who did not. Like almost all the other remedies, it is cheap and proven safe by long use. Fluvoxamine costs about $4 per 10-day course. Fluvoxamine has been used since the 1990s, and its safety profile is well known.

“Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are not necessary nor sufficient on their own—there are plenty of molecules that treat COVID,” says McCullough. “Even if hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin had become so politicized that no one wanted to allow these drugs to be used, we could use other drugs, anti-Inflammatories, antihistamines, as well as anti-coagulants and actually stop the illness and again, treat it to reduce hospitalization and death.”

When the pandemic started, most of the other medical practices in the Detroit area shut down, Dr. David Brownstein told me. “I had a meeting with my staff and my six partners. I told them, ‘We are going to stay open and treat COVID.’

We treated 715 patients and had ten hospitalizations and no deaths. Early treatment was the key. We weren’t allowed to talk about it. The whole medical establishment was trying to shut down early
treatment and silence all the doctors who talked about successes. A whole generation of doctors just stopped practicing medicine. When we talked about it, the whole cartel came for us.

I’ve been in litigation with the Medical Board for a year. When we posted videos from some of our
recovered patients, they went viral. One of the videos had a million views. FTC filed a motion against us, and we had to take everything down.”

In July 2020, Brownstein and his seven colleagues published a peer-reviewed article describing their stellar success with early treatment. FTC sent him a letter warning him to take it down. “No one wanted Americans to know that you didn’t have to die from COVID. It’s 100 percent treatable,” says Dr.
Brownstein. “We proved it. No one had to die.”⚰️

“Meanwhile,” adds Dr. Brownstein, “we’ve seen lots of really bad vaccine side effects in our patients. We’ve had seven strokes—some ending in severe paralysis. We had three cases of pulmonary embolism, two blood clots, two cases of Graves’ disease, and one death.”

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Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.6

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Trust the Experts

Instead of citing scientific studies or clear data to justify mandates for masks, lockdowns, and vaccines, our medical rulers cited Dr. Fauci or WHO, CDC, FDA, and NIH—captive agencies—to legitimize the medical technocracy’s assumption of dangerous new powers.

Dr. Fauci’s aficionados, including President Biden and the cable and network news anchors, counseled Americans to “trust the experts.” Such advice is both anti-democratic and anti-science. Science is dynamic.
“Experts” frequently differ on scientific questions and their opinions can vary in accordance with and demands of politics, power, and financial self-interest. Telling people to “trust the experts” is either naive or manipulative— or both.

All of Dr. Fauci’s intrusive mandates and his deceptive use of data tended to stoke fear and amplify public desperation for the anticipated arrival of vaccines that would transfer billions of dollars from taxpayers to pharmaceutical executives and shareholders. 🤑

Anthony Fauci’s do-or-die obsession with novel mRNA vaccines—and Gilead’s expensive patented
antiviral, remdesivir—prompted him to ignore or even suppress effective early treatments, causing hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths while also prolonging the pandemic. ⚰️🥀

Fortifying Immune Systems

He never took time during his daily White House briefings from March to May 2020 to instruct Americans to avoid tobacco (smoking and e-cigarettes/vaping double death rates from COVID); to get plenty of sunlight and to maintain adequate vitamin D levels (“Nearly 60 percent of patients with COVID-19 were vitamin D deficient upon hospitalization, with men in the advanced stages of COVID-19 pneumonia showing the greatest deficit”); or to diet, exercise, and lose weight (78 percent of Americans hospitalized for COVID-19 were overweight or obese).

Dr. Fauci’s lockdowns caused Americans to gain an average of two pounds per month and to reduce their daily steps by 27 percent.

Zinc impedes viral replication, prophylaxing against colds and abbreviating their duration.

On April 30, 2021, Canadian Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons threatened to delicense any doctor who prescribed non-vaccine health strategies including Vitamin D.

“They are trying to erase any notion of natural immunity,” says Canadian vaccine researcher Dr. Jessica Rose, Ph.D., MSc, BSc. “Pretty soon the incessant lies and propaganda will have successfully instilled in the masses that the only hope for staying alive is via injection, pill-popping, so in sum, no natural immunity.”

Throughout 2020, before vaccines were available, some 99.9 percent of people’s natural immune systems protected their owners from severe illness and death.

The CDC and World Health Organization, indeed all global health authorities, have recognized that healthy people, with healthy immune systems, bear minimal risk from COVID.

Instead of urging calm and telling us, as FDR did during the depths of the Depression, that “we have nothing to fear but fear itself,” all of Dr. Fauci’s prescriptions and communications seemed intended to maximize stress and trauma: enforced isolation, mandated masking, business closures, evictions and bankruptcies, lockdowns, and separating children from parents and parents from grandparents. We now know that fear, stress, and trauma wreak havoc on our immune systems.


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Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.5

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Noble Lies and Bad Data

Dr. Fauci’s mask deceptions 😷 were among several “noble lies” that, his critics complained, revealed a manipulative and deceptive disposition undesirable in an evenhanded public health official.

He supported COVID jabs for previously infected Americans, defying overwhelming scientific evidence that post-COVID inoculations were both unnecessary and dangerous. Under questioning on September 9, 2021, Dr. Fauci conceded he could cite no scientific justification for this policy.

The blatant and relentless manipulation of data to serve the vaccine agenda became the apogee of a year of stunning regulatory malpractice. High-quality and transparent data, clearly documented, timely rendered, and publicly available are the sine qua non of competent public health management.

The “mistakes” were always in the same direction—inflating the risks of coronavirus and the safety and
efficacy of vaccines in order to stoke public fear of COVID and provoke mass compliance. The excuses for his mistakes range from blaming the public (now blaming the unvaccinated), blaming politics, and explaining his gyrations by saying, “You’ve got to evolve with the science.”

At the outset of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci used wildly inaccurate modeling that overestimated US deaths by 525 percent.

Scammer and pandemic fabricator Neal Ferguson of Imperial College London was their author, with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) of $148.8 million.23 Dr. Fauci used this model as justification for his lockdowns.

Dr. Fauci acquiesced to CDC’s selective protocol changes for completing death certificates in a way that inflated the claimed deaths from COVID, and thus inflated its infection mortality rate. CDC later admitted
that only 6 percent of COVID deaths occurred in entirely healthy individuals. The remaining 94 percent suffered from an average of 3.8 potentially fatal comorbidities.

Regulators misused PCR tests that CDC belatedly admitted in August 2021 were incapable of distinguishing COVID from other viral illnesses. Dr. Fauci tolerated their use at inappropriately high amplitudes of 37 and up to 45, even though Fauci had told Vince Racaniello that tests employing
cycle thresholds of 35 and above were very unlikely to indicate the presence of live virus that could replicate.25 In July 2020, Fauci remarked that at these levels, a positive result is “just dead nucleotides, period,”26 yet did nothing to modify testing so it might be more accurate.

As America’s COVID czar, Dr. Fauci never complained about CDC’s decision to skip autopsies from deaths attributed to vaccines. This practice allowed CDC to persistently claim that all deaths following vaccination were “unrelated to vaccination.”

CDC also refused to conduct follow-up medical inquiries among people claiming vaccine injuries. Inspired by rich incentives to classify every patient as a COVID-19 victim -Medicare paid hospitals $39,000 per ventilator27 when treating COVID-19 and only $13,000 for garden variety respiratory infections – hospitals contributed to the deception.

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Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.4

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Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.1

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  • Dr. Fauci’s quarantine of the healthy killed more people than COVID; obliterate global economy; plunged millions into poverty and bankruptcy; disintegrated vital food chain;
  • US life expectancy decreased by 1.9 years during quarantine
  • Hispanic & Black Americans suffered the heaviest burden of Dr. Fauci’s health adventures.
  • Dr. Fauci admitted he never assessed the costs of desolation, poverty, and depression by his countermeasures.
  • Dr. Fauci’s lockdown put 58 million Americans out of work.
  • In 2020, workers lost 3.7 trillion $ while billionaires gained $3.9 trillion.
  • Additional 8 million Americans dropped below poverty line
  • The biggest winners: Big Technology; Big Data; Big Telecom; Big Finance; Big media behemoths (Michael Bloomberg, Rupert Murdoch, Viacom, Disney); and Silicon Valley titans like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Sergey Brin, Larry Page, Larry Ellison, Jack Dorsey

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Free Weight Loss Books

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Everyone wants to be healthy and fit. Everyone wants to be free from any harmful disease and live a life that is safe and worry free. We all want to look good and eat quality food. We want the right to feel good about ourselves. Who doesn’t like it?
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Don’t spend another day watching your health deteriorate – get your copy of Transform Your Health: 10 Easy Habits to Lose Weight for Good right away and start shaping a better you!

China Study: Summary 9.9.21

* A free society cannot exist without a venue and an environment for honest research and discourse.

* Academia has the power to modify science to its liking and discredit scientific information not to their liking.

* Truth is a stubborn thing. It just won’t go away. Tom Riner.

* George Macilwain: grease, fat, and alcohol are the chief causes of cancer.

* Animal protein, even more than saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, raises blood cholesterol levels.

* Published data show that animal protein promotes the growth of tumors.

* Data show that a diet based on animal-based foods increases a woman’s production of reproductive hormones over her lifetime, which may lead to breast cancer.

* Whole-food-plant-based diet is best for preventing, and possibly treating cancer.

* It is now commonly accepted that what you eat can determine your risk of multiple cancers.

* Nutrition is the biological expression of food that promotes health. Malnutrition is its opposite.

* As taxpayers, we pay for subsidies to produce the food that is killing us, then we pay for expensive pills and procedures when we get sick.

* Low-protein diet enhance the burning off of calories, thus leaving fewer calories for body weight gain and perhaps also fewer for tumor growth as well.


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