Book Summary: The Real Anthony Fauci P.12

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Dr. Fauci’s challenge—to prove that HCQ is dangerous—was daunting because hydroxychloroquine is a 65-year-old formula that regulators around the globe long ago approved as both safe and effective against a variety of illnesses. HCQ is an analog of the quinine found in the bark of the cinchona tree that George Washington used to protect his troops from malaria. For decades, WHO has listed HCQ as an “essential medicine,” proven effective against a long list of ailments.

China Study: Summary 2.6.21

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* Risk of breast cancer increases when a woman has: early age of menarche; late age of menopause; high levels of female hormone; high blood cholesterol.

*Instead of suggesting dietary change as a solution, we spend hundreds of millions of dollars developing and publicising a drug that may or may not work and almost certainly will have unintended side effects.

* When a very potent carcinogen is put into the body, the rate at which it causes problems is mostly controlled by nutrition.

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China Study: Summary 28.5.21

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* A true safe cholesterol level is under 150 mg/dL.

* A whole food plant based diet can prevent and treat heart disease saving hundreds of thousands every year.

* The solution to losing weight is a whole foods, plant-based diet, coupled with a reasonable amount of exercise.

* give your body the right type of food and it will do the the right thing.

* A plant based diet encourages more physical activity.

* The right diet not only prevents but also treats diabetes.

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China Study: Summary 26.05.21

* American men died from heart disease at a rate almost seven-teen times higher than their Chinese counterparts.

* Animal food us linked to higher blood cholesterol; plant food is linked to lower blood cholesterol.

* The more animal protein you eat, the more heart disease you have.

* 3/4 of the humans on this planet have no heart disease. A fact strongly associated with diet.

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China Study: Summary 21.05.2021

As an amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

* Eating low fat, low protein diet high in complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight.

*People who eat the most animal protein have the most heart disease, cancer, diabetes.

* Greater plant protein intake is closely linked to greater height and body weight.

* Low-animal protein, low-fat diet helps prevent obesity plus it allows people to reach their full growth potential.

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Reflections: Corona

It has been a couple of months that the whole world is battling an insignificant yet powerful enemy. A virus called Corona, Aka COVID-19. Allah says in chapter 74:31 And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. We believe nothing happens without the will of Allah. Does Allah want bad and suffering for His creations? Parents would never want to see their children go through any hardship. Allah loves His creations much more than parents love their children. We also believe that He is a loving, caring, and the most merciful. He is in control of all. Why then He would allow such a pandemic happen to us all? If He wills, this virus can disappear from the face of the earth as were the dinosaurs. Then why is Allah allowing the virus to cause some much pain? Let us see what Allah says in chapter 30:41. He says: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. SO maybe instead of blaming everything on God or others, we reflect on what we are doing. We reflect on how we live our lives. How much damage are we causing the environment? Every action has a reaction. Our actions have consequences that will come back to us. It might not necessarily be what we as individuals are doing or are not doing. It could be that the leaders or politicians are making decisions and we are oblivious about these decisions. To make it clear let us look at an example given by our beloved prophet. Two groups of people are aboard a ship with two decks. One group on the upper deck and the other on the lower deck. The group on the lower deck makes a hole on the floor of the ship to get water. The second group does not prevent the first group. what is the result? Everyone drowns. We cannot just sit and be indifferent about the actions of others in our society and on our planet. We all have responsibilities. We have responsibilities toward ourselves. This means we are responsible toward our body. This is the reason some actions are prohibited in Islam. Smoking drugs (including cigarette) and drinking alcohol, for example, are harmful to the body, so these are prohibited. We are responsible toward our family then toward our community.

Let us look at another verse from the Quran. Allah says: And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. 2:155. This is the reality of the life of this world. Allah tests us all. Calamities fall in our lives in different forms and shapes. We persevere, put our trust in Him, and never lose faith.