

Here are some thoughts about the event that takes place in some mega cities around the world. The event is called Bodypainting and it is considered to be an art. Yes, painting is an art and the one doing the painting is an artist. We admire the talent that an artist has in performing the work of art. So what is the issue with bodypainting? There is no issue with bodypainting in and of itself unless the paint applied to the skin is harmful or contains harmful substances.  The issue is going out naked. The bigger issue is spreading indecency in the society. That is to say going out naked is OK & acceptable while being fully covered is not acceptable. What direction is our society moving toward? If we look at how people used to dress two or three generation before us, we would see a big difference. Whose fault is it? Do the media have a role to play in this change? Definitely, yes. How about the porn industry? Definitely, yes. The porn industry is a multi-billion-dollar industry that is destroying individuals’ sense of indecency and corrupting the souls. Hence, what is good is considered evil and unacceptable and what is bad is considered acceptable. What we believe is that this the the devil’s agenda. Namely: to expose what is covered of the private parts. Shaitan’s (devil’s) ultimate agenda was to get clothes removed from Adam & Eve. So what the filth industry is doing now is simply accomplishing Shaitan’s goal. Based on what Allah says in soorah 7 v. 20: humans beings being exposed without clothes in public is something ugly; it is something indecent inherently; it is something evil. In the nature of human beings, it is not tempting to look at nudity. When our nature gets corrupt, we want to look at nudity. Because inherently, nudity is called ugly in the Quran.

May Allah help us to purify our souls and protect us from all sorts of filth and indecency.


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