The Millionaire Fastlane: Chapters (33-35) Summary

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The Commandment
of Scale

In business, to be a success you only have to be right once.
~ Mark Cuban

When your business road violates the Commandment of Scale, wealth acceleration is incarcerated within constricting speed limits. Drive any road with a speed limit of 15 and you aren’t going to get anywhere fast.

Swing for Home Runs, Not Singles. be in the business of home runs.

The Fastlane Wealth Equation: Disarmed

Wealth = Net Profit + Asset Value

Net Profit = Units Sold × Unit Profit

Tiny habitats create tiny wealth.

Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions
••Your total pool of customers determines your habitat. The larger the habitat, the greater the potential for wealth.
••A business can be a singles or a home-run-based business. Its strength is determined by scale, which is derived by habitat.
••The Fastlane wealth equation is disarmed when you violate the Commandment of Scale.

•• Scale is achieved in reach (units sold) and/or magnitude (unit profit).
••The Law of Effection is the primary conduit to wealth, which can be roadblocked by scale, magnitude, or source.
•• Effection consequences trickle up to owners and producers. Breaking scale or magnitude indirectly in an uncontrolled entity is not a guarantee of wealth.
•• To gain access to Effection, you have to break the barrier of scale or magnitude in an entity you control.
•• Scale, magnitude, or source deficiencies create governors on the speed of wealth creation.

The Commandment
of Time

I am long on ideas, but short on time.
I expect to live only about a hundred years.
~ Thomas Edison

Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions
••A business attached to your time is a job.
••A business that earns income exclusive of your time satisfies the Commandment of Time.
•• To satisfy the Commandment of Time, start with a business that uses a money system seedling, or introduce one.

Rapid Wealth:
The Interstates

You can’t live a perfect day without doing something
for someone who will never be able to repay you.
~ John Wooden

The Three Fastlane Interstates:

1) Internet
2) Innovation
3) Intentional Iteration

Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions
••The best Fastlanes satisfy all five Commandments: Control, Entry, Need, Time, and Scale.
••Assuming a need-based premise, the Internet is the fastest interstate, because it overwhelmingly satisfies all Commandments.
•• Innovation can be any variety of open roads: authoring, inventing, or services.
•• Inventing success needs coupling with distribution.
••A singles-based business is scaled to a home-run business by intentional iteration. With iteration, scale is conquered.

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