Reflections: Corona

It has been a couple of months that the whole world is battling an insignificant yet powerful enemy. A virus called Corona, Aka COVID-19. Allah says in chapter 74:31 And none knows the soldiers of your Lord except Him. We believe nothing happens without the will of Allah. Does Allah want bad and suffering for His creations? Parents would never want to see their children go through any hardship. Allah loves His creations much more than parents love their children. We also believe that He is a loving, caring, and the most merciful. He is in control of all. Why then He would allow such a pandemic happen to us all? If He wills, this virus can disappear from the face of the earth as were the dinosaurs. Then why is Allah allowing the virus to cause some much pain? Let us see what Allah says in chapter 30:41. He says: Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness]. SO maybe instead of blaming everything on God or others, we reflect on what we are doing. We reflect on how we live our lives. How much damage are we causing the environment? Every action has a reaction. Our actions have consequences that will come back to us. It might not necessarily be what we as individuals are doing or are not doing. It could be that the leaders or politicians are making decisions and we are oblivious about these decisions. To make it clear let us look at an example given by our beloved prophet. Two groups of people are aboard a ship with two decks. One group on the upper deck and the other on the lower deck. The group on the lower deck makes a hole on the floor of the ship to get water. The second group does not prevent the first group. what is the result? Everyone drowns. We cannot just sit and be indifferent about the actions of others in our society and on our planet. We all have responsibilities. We have responsibilities toward ourselves. This means we are responsible toward our body. This is the reason some actions are prohibited in Islam. Smoking drugs (including cigarette) and drinking alcohol, for example, are harmful to the body, so these are prohibited. We are responsible toward our family then toward our community.

Let us look at another verse from the Quran. Allah says: And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient. 2:155. This is the reality of the life of this world. Allah tests us all. Calamities fall in our lives in different forms and shapes. We persevere, put our trust in Him, and never lose faith.

Reflections: Fasting

We muslims fast in the month of Ramadhan. Let’s start by asking why. Why do we fast? What is the purpose of fasting? What are we supposed to get out of fasting? What do we we gain from it? what did we gain from fasting previous years? Unfortunately, for many of us, fasting Ramadhan has become a custom. We don’t do what breaks the fast like eating and drinking. By doing this, we get content that we fasted during this blessed month. If we ask some muslims about the reason of their fasting, the reply is to share the feeling that the poor people have. This is a very good point. When we are thirsty or hungry, we are supposed to remember the poor and the needy and their difficult life. What is the result of this? First, be grateful for what Allah has given us. No matter how little it is. Second, try to help the needy as much as we can no matter how little it is. Do not belittle an act of goodness. It can be huge in the eyes of Allah. It is not about the quantity, but the quality of our actions. We should not forget that the poor do not have food to eat to almost the entire year. While we experience thirst and hunger for a fraction of the day for only a month. They might get food or they might not. We, on the other hand, have a fridge filled with food and have someone preparing food for us. So we know there will be food when we are breaking our fast. Then how can we have the same feeling as them? There is a big gap.

Our beloved prophet PBUH has said in a narration to this meaning that some people fast in this month and all they from they fasting is thirst and hunger. May Allah not make us one them.

Allah says in quran that fasting is prescribed to us so we gain taqwa (تقوی). what is taqwa? Dues to the richness of the arabic language, this word has many meanings in the English language. One of these is to have God-consciousness. what this means is that in all situations we are conscious of Allah. That He is aware of our situation and aware of what we do. So let us ask ourselves how much taqwa we gained in the past years. If we did not gain any taqwa, then what did gain from fasting? When we gain more taqwa, we get closer to Allah. This will automatically make a better human being. This in turn, will make us care for other human beings. So we work hard during this blessed month to get closer to Allah, so we become better believers and hence better human beings. This will help us build a better community.

Middle East Issues Today

Recently Mr. Trump ordered troop deployment to Saudi Arabia after the Oil attacks by the Houthis or Iran or the Us itself. First, if Houthis say it was them, well it means it was Iran since Iran created, supports and supplies them. second why do I say it could be done by the US? Of course I have no proof for this. It is simple. It is about money and control over the region. They sell Billions of dollars in Arms and weaponry to Saudi to strengthen their defence system. Then they say you cannot protect yourself. Let us protect you. We bring our army and defend you. Who is the winner at the end, the US. What the US wants, is the control over the oil-rich region plus control over the countries in the region so they don’t gain too much power. Another fear the US has it seeing the unity among the countries in the region. To avoid this, it has created divisions between them. examples are the problems between Iran and Saudi, Qatar and other gulf countries. Again, the winner here is the US. When the leaders of these countries are going to wake up and see what is happening to their countries and their people? Who knows. Maybe they are part of the whole game. Allah says: your situation/condition is not going to change unless and until you change what is within you. He knows the best.

Reflections Jan. 2019 Week2

In the eyes of Allah, it is all positive for us.  Allah has given us a heart free of charge. He wants us to worship Him. If He had willed, he could have created us as trees. He chose for us parents.  It rains a thick white rain and we get raised from the earth like trees. Parents, children, siblings are tests for us. The family unit is well the society will be well. None shall be worshipped besides Allah. Noone worthy of worship besides Allah. Be kind to your parents. He did not say obey them. Decline respectfully. Some parents abuse their children. People are good, devil is bad. Some people have bad habits. We are all creatures of Allah. Be good to your parents. Allah chose to make me through my parents. Let not problems seep to children. Can also educate parents. You correct someone respectfully. If you don’t correct people, there will be problems in the society. Don’t go behind their back. If you made a mistake, it is not the end. You are still a good person. We look at bad stuff not good. Tell children enjoy school and develop. Don’t stress them. Only one becomes first. May Allah make the end better. When it comes to big decisions, make mashvara. Don’t force children to do what they don’t want. Have a powerful relationship in family.  Be very close to your children. Admonish children in a smart way. Turn off the wifi. Don’t over penalise your children. Don’t keep reminding them of bad stuff they did. Remind them of good stuff. Kiss your Children. Want the mercy of Allah, show mercy to your children. Purpose of marriage: sacrifice, work hard on relationships. Look after children. Spend time with them. The person getting married has the biggest say. Facilitate the marriage of your children. If we can resolve issues in the family, we can resolve issues in the society. Having siblings is a blessing. Learn to teach your children to play together. Every child grow at its own pace.

Quran and Hadith are similar to food and water. We need Allah. The biggest gift we have is that we are the Ummah of Quran.  We would like Quran to intercede for us. Quran is not the decoration. Quran on the wall should be a means of reminder.

During this life we have limited freedom. We need to recognize the one who gave us this life. We are created so we lead our entire life as Allah has ordained. For this we have to recognize Him .

Life and death in the hands of Allah. Have mercy on your parents. Make dua for your parents. Don’t embarrass them by your deeds. Be kind to them.  Don’t be harsh to your children.

Set limits at home . Respect each other. Both ways, husband and wife.

Prophet prayed for those who opposed him.  Man looks at a creature of Allah and has an understanding of them. This understanding is affected by  circumstances. We respect all the creatures of Allah. Above 70 is bonus. Engage in dhikr and prostration. Allah is in total control of us. We commit sin because of our weakness not to defy Allah. First establish five daily salawat. Allah is instructing us to avoid evil and immorality. Allah says cut it out. One verse is enough to change our life. Intentions could be contaminated if we except something in return instead of expecting allah’s pleasure. Social media has allowed us to multiply sins. We have bottons that can destroy us. Purify heart. Go back to Sunnah to resolve an issue. Love of one self means giving itself preference over others. Purify the heart. Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today. Masses have lost respect for the leaders. Reason why we losing as an Ummah. Imam,s work is more difficult than ordinary ppl. Religious blackmail. High rank in the day of judgment goes for the muadhen.

The one who has been promised jannah equal to the one who is destined to hell fire? Who is more truthful than Allah?

We hope in Allah alone. Those who believe have special mercy. Allah is merciful to all, but the special mercy goes to and is reserved for the believers.

The problem is that we don’t know our Maker

Reflections Jan. 2019

We worship the one who made me. He is The creator. The relationship is between you and Allah. You confess only to Allah. Not anyone else since anyone else might have sins greater than yours. Allah will judge us on the day of judgment. Neither was he begotten not does He beget. You cannot have anyone at the same level as Allah. All the qualities of the prophet do not come close to Allah’s. If someone claims love, there should be actions associated with it. Words should be proven by actions. How can you love Allah and sleep during Fajr time. Always be conscious of Allah. This is taqwa. This will save you. The development of consciousness of Allah will protect us from His wrath. We don’t render an act of worship to anyone besides Allah. We don’t worship Allah based on how we feel. Iblis said I’m better than him. This was his downfall. This happens to us when we see someone with worldly possessions. We try to label him with accusations of Haram income and Haram conduct. We get inspiration from iblis.

Reflections Dec 2018

I’m a proud Muslim should not make us arrogant. Clean your heart to build bridges. You have a solid relationships with Allah. Money brings temporary happiness. The Best of us is the one whose bridge is stronger with Allah and rasool. We render our actions to Allah not to his rasool. Prophet was a shining example. So follow him in everything you can. When you get closer to Allah, your heart becomes soft. It’s a sign from Allah that your heart is soft. Guidance is in the hands of Allah. Our task is to convey the message. The message of love and peace. We help each other to get closer to Allah. Respect those you disagree with. The same laws that are allowing you to practice your religion is allowing them to practice what they are practicing.We control ourselves from eating junk food so we are healthy. Likewise we control ourselves from committing sins so we have a healthy akhira.Treat the other gender with utmost respect. That’s building bridges. When you reach out to others, they see the beauty of Islam. None of you enters paradise except with the mercy of Allah. How do we get the mercy of Allah? We get the mercy of Allah through our deeds. He wants to see that we are doing our best. Try your best and Allah will give you the rewards. The fact that you do the deed with the correct intention then He will shower you with His mercy. Istigfar is very powerful. Be happy with what Allah has provided to you. Allah looks at the heart and the actions. You worship Allah alone. Treat other creatures with respect. Think good of others. Try and keep trying to get His mercy.Allah wants to forgive, so ask Him to forgive you. Do the deed then protect it. Allah has said: it is your deeds I reckon you with. Whoever finds goodness thank Allah you write your book. So proofread. You can still delete. Write a beautiful chapter everyday. Those who find goodness should thank Allah. We should always be hopeful of the mercy of Allah. One is to search for guidance. Second is to ask Allah for it. Don’t just sit at home and ask for it. Those who strive in our cause, we guide them. You have to try, Allah will do the rest. O Allah guide us to the straight path. Seek clothing from Allah. Ask Him to cover us. He is the one who covers and feeds. Thank Allah for whatever He has granted them. Deeds should bring humility. Do your deeds and be humble. Your hearts need to be cleansed. Whatever is asked of Allah and He bestows it to them, nothing is lowered or diminished from His treasury. Nothing is displaced from His kingdom. Having nothing of this donya, and their deeds are great. Materialistic matters, look at those who have less than you. In terms of Deen, look at those who have passed you. A sign of good deed is your heart being soft. This is a sign of acceptance. Allah requested Moosa to talk to pheroah in kindness.Always start with the name of Allah. He is the greatest. This is tauheed. He is the one who is going to grant us success. Then send blessings and salutation upon Mohammad PBUH. He was chosen by Allah. Allah says acknowledge the prophet the way I acknowledge him. Allah is the one who chooses. If Allah raises you, no-one can drop you. Praise be to Allah, the creator, the norisher, the provider, the protector, the cherisher. The control of the entire existence. Prostration is only for Allah and no-one else. I believe in the names and qualities of Allah without adjusting them. Who is our personal Savior? Allah. He is the one who made me. Mohammad PBUH is the best of creation, but we never render an act of worship for him. Because we believe in Allah. We respect the messenger at the highest level. Only Allah knows the condition of the heart. So never judge others by the condition of their heart. To go to a fortuneteller is an issue of Iman. We only say bismellah. Start with the name of Allah.

These are some reflections I noted while listening to some of the scholars such as Mufti Menk.

THE Success Principles Summary P.1

The Success Principles

Jack Canfield



I. The Fundamentals of Success

  1. Take 100% Responsibility for Your Life
  2. Be Clear Why You’re Here
  3. Decide What You Want
  4. Believe It’s Possible
  5. Believe in Yourself
  6. Become an Inverse Paranoid
  7. Unleash the Power of Goal-Setting
  8. Chunk it Down
  9. Success Leaves Clues
  10. Release the Brakes
  11. See What You Want, Get What You See
  12. Act as If
  13. Take Action
  14. Just Lean into It
  15. Experience Your Fear and Take Action Anyway
  16. Be Willing to Pay the Price
  17. Ask! Ask! Ask!
  18. Reject Rejection
  19. Use Feedback to Your Advantage
  20. Commit to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement
  21. Keep Score for Success
  22. Practice Persistence
  23. Practice the Rule of 5
  24. Exceed Expectations
    • II. Transform Yourself for Success
  25. Drop Out of the “Ain’t It Awful” Club…and Surround Yourself with Successful People
  26. Acknowledge Your Positive Past
  27. Keep Your Eye on the Prize
  28. Clean Up Your Messes and Your Incompletes
  29. Complete the Past to Embrace the Future
  30. Face What Isn’t Working
  31. Embrace Change
  32. Transform Your Inner Critic into an Inner Coach
  33. Transcend Your Limiting Beliefs
  34. Develop Four New Success Habits a Year
  35. 99% Is a Bitch; 100% Is a Breeze
  36. Learn More to Earn More
  37. Stay Motivated with the Masters
  38. Fuel Your Success with Passion and Enthusiasm

III. Build Your Success Team

  1. Stay Focused on Your Core Genius
  2. Redefine Time
  3. Build a Powerful Support Team and Delegate to Them
  4. Just Say No!
  5. Say No to the Good So That You Can Say Yes to the Great
  6. Find a Wing to Climb Under
  7. Hire a Personal Coach
  8. Mastermind Your Way to Success
  9. Inquire Within
    • Create Successful Relationships
  10. Be Hear Now
  11. Have a Heart Talk
  12. Tell the Truth Faster
  13. Speak with Impeccability
  14. When in Doubt, Check It Out
  15. Practice Uncommon Appreciation
  16. Keep Your Agreements
  17. Be a Class Act
    • Success and Money
  18. Develop a Positive Money Consciousness
  19. You Get What You Focus On
  20. Pay Yourself First
  21. Master the Spending Game
  22. To Spend More, First Make More
  23. Give More to Get More
  24. Find a Way to Serve
    • Success Starts Now
  25. Start Now!…Just Do It!
  26. Empower Yourself by Empowering Others


The Success Principles Free Success Tools™

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Laboratory Tests p.1

Acetylcholine Receptor

To diagnose MG (Myasthenia gravis) & Thymoma

Acid Phosphatase

To diagnose Prostate carcinoma & the effectiveness of treatment

Elevated in:


Acidic Phosphatase

Multiple Myeloma


Kidney diseases

Related test: PSA

Activated Clotting Time (ACT)

normal range: 70-120 sec

Use: determine the effectiveness of anticoagulant drugs


Heparin administration

Factor deficiency

Liver cirrhosis



The Power of Habit P.1

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The brain changes as habits change.

“All our life, so far as it has defi nite form, is but a mass of habits,” William James wrote in 1892.

Habits can be changed, if we understand how they work.

A community is a giant collection of habits occurring among thousands of people.

Part One:  The Habits of Individuals


First, find a simple and obvious cue.

Second, clearly define the rewards.

Why habits are so powerful: They create neurological cravings. Craving is what powers the habit loop.

“wanting evolves into obsessive craving” that can force our brains into autopilot

No one craves scentlessness. On the other hand, lots of people crave a nice smell after they’ve spent thirty minutes cleaning.”

toothpastes contain additives with the sole job of making your mouth tingle after you brush

Cravings are what drive habits. And figuring out how to create a craving makes creating a new habit easier.

Why Transformation Occurs

The rule: If you use the same cue, and provide the same reward, you can shift the routine and change the habit. Almost any behavior can be transformed if the cue and reward stay the same.

Brad Dufrene: Most people’s habits have occurred for so long they don’t pay
attention to what causes it anymore.

Often, we don’t really understand the cravings driving our behaviors until we look for them.

If you identify the cues and rewards, you can change the routine.
At least, most of the time. For some habits, however, there’s one other ingredient that’s necessary: belief.

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Book Summary: How To Win Friends And Influence People-p10

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7 – Don’t Be A “Marriage Illiterate”

According to Dr. Popenoe, failure in marriage is usually due to four causes. He lists them in this order:

• 1. Sexual maladjustment.

• 2. Difference of opinion as to the way of spending leisure time.

• 3. Financial difficulties.

• 4. Mental, physical, or emotional abnormalities.

Rule 7 of “How to Make Your Home Life Happier” is: ‘Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

In a Nutshell

Seven Rules For Making Your Home Life Happier

• Rule 1: Don’t nag.

• Rule 2: Don’t try to make your partner over.

• Rule 3: Don’t criticize.

• Rule 4: Give honest appreciation.

• Rule 5: Pay little attentions.

• Rule 6: Be courteous.

• Rule 7: Read a good book on the sexual side of marriage.

For Husbands

1. Do you still “court” your wife with an occasional gift of flowers, with remembrances of her birthday and wedding anniversary, or with some unexpected attention, some unlooked-for tenderness?

2. Are you careful never to criticize her before others?

3. Do you give her money to spend entirely as she chooses, above the household expenses?

4. Do you make an effort to understand her varying feminine moods and help her through periods of fatigue, nerves, and irritability?

5. Do you share at least half of your recreation hours with your wife?

6. Do you tactfully refrain from comparing your wife’s cooking or housekeeping with that of your mother or of Bill Jones’ wife, except to her advantage?

7. Do you take a definite interest in her intellectual life, her clubs and societies, the books she reads, her views on civic problems?

8. Can you let her dance with and receive friendly attentions from other men without making jealous remarks?

9. Do you keep alert for opportunities to praise her and express your admiration for her?

10. Do you thank her for the little jobs she does for you, such as sewing on a button, darning your socks, and sending your clothes to the cleaners?

For Wives

1. Do you give your husband complete freedom in his business affairs, and do you refrain from criticizing his associates, his choice of a secretary, or the hours he keeps?

2. Do you try your best to make your home interesting and attractive?

3. Do you vary the household menu so that he never quite knows what to expect when he sits down to the table?

4. Do you have an intelligent grasp of your husband’s business so you can discuss it with him helpfully?

5. Can you meet financial reverses bravely, cheerfully, without criticizing your husband for his mistakes or comparing him unfavourably with more successful men?

6. Do you make a special effort to get along amiably with his mother or other relatives?

7. Do you dress with an eye for your husband’s likes and dislikes in colour and style?

8. Do you compromise little differences of opinion in the interest of harmony?

9. Do you make an effort to learn games your husband likes, so you can share his leisure hours?

10. Do you keep track of the day’s news, the new books, and new ideas, so you can hold your husband’s intellectual interest?


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